Bahas konspirasi, ternyata seru juga ...........
so, di mulai aja deh..NWO ( The Illuminati Card Game) 1995
Pada Tahun 1990, Steve Jackson berencana membuat permainan terbarunya “The Illuminati Card Game”
Pada tahun yang sama, secret service merazia kantor pembuatan game steve jackson..
mereka sangat tertarik pada file berjudul "Illuminist BBS"..
Pada Tahun 1995, steve menerbitkan permainan terbarunya..
Mengapa Secret Service merazia permainan buatan steve??
Mari kita lihat….
Ini adalah salah satu kartu dalam game “The Illuminati Card Game”

coba bandingkan dengan ini...

Lalu ada kartu yang ini.....

bandingkan dengan yang ini??

Trus mengapa "The Secret Service" menggerebek kantornya steve jackson??
Atau entah bagaimana ini semua sudah direncankan sejak lama...
dan entah bagaimana steve jackson bisa mengetahuinya??...
Jika kita berasumsi bahwa steve jackson telah mengetahui rencana2 nya Illuminati, berarti kita bisa tahu apa rencana mereka selanjutnya dengan menafsirkan gambar2 dari kartu permainan lainnya....
seperti ini.....

Population Reduction= Pengurangan Populasi
apakah mereka merencanakan pemusnahan populasi penduduk dunia??
coba baca artikel ini...
Kontrol Populasi Dunia
Begitu banyak fakta-fakta konspirasi dan ketidakadilan menyangkut PBB. Namun ada satu konspirasi PBB yang luput dari perhatian khalayak ramai yakni tentang rencana Konspirasi untuk mengurangi populasi dunia sehingga dunia ini hanya dihuni oleh 500 juta manusia. Hal ini berarti pengurangan sekitar 93% penduduk dunia.
Hal tersebut berangkat dari pemikiran bahwa dunia dengan segala kekayaan alamnya, dengan seluruh ekosistemnya, rantai makanannya, serta sistem alamiah yang ada, tidak akan sanggup untuk menopang kehidupan umat manusia sebanyak sekarang—sekitar 6 miliar orang—dengan baik. Untuk menciptakan satu dunia yang lebih baik, maka diperlukan pengurangan jumlah populasi umat manusia sebanyak 93%-nya atau dunia ini hanya mampu untuk menopang kehidupan 500 juta manusia.
Yang unik, Desember 2012 merupakan waku yang ditentukan oleh pihak Konspirasi untuk memulai program ini secara besar-besaran. Belum ada satu pun pihak yang mengetahui secara pasti mengapa Konspirasi mematok awal program yang akan mengurangi jumlah umat manusia secara drastis ini pada Desember 2012.
Temuan-temuan berkenaan dengan waktu tersebut sungguh mengagetkan. Berabad silam, suku bangsa kuno seperti Suku Maya, Suku Hopi, Kaliyuga, Aztec, dan juga Mesir Kuno telah meramalkan di dalam sistem kalender kuno mereka jika pada akhir tahun 2012 dunia lama akan berakhir dan dunia baru akan muncul. Perhitungan suku-suku kuno ini berdasarkan pada pergerakan bintang-bintang dan berbagai ramalan mistis yang ada.
Di abad milenium, ketika sebagian dinding Pentagon hancur ditabrak misil yang mirip sebuah pesawat jet kecil pada tanggal 11 September 2001 (baca Eramuslim Digest edisi 911 tentang kebohongan-kebohongan AS soal peristiwa WTC), segelintir elit AS yang juga merupakan tokoh-tokoh Konspirasi Paganisme Modern ini menginginkan agar Pentagon diubah dan dimodernisasi lebih canggih lagi dengan berbagai peralatan yang terkomputerisasi. Batas waktu bagi upaya modernisasi Pentagon ini adalah Desember 2012!!!
dan baca link juga link yang terkait di akhir artikel ini
Bagaimana dengan kartu yang ini??

Apakah mereka merencanakan serangan UFO ke bumi???
Mari kita lihat proyek yang dilakukan amerika... dalam artikel ini..
Project Silverbug - The Avrocar
The US military was testing and flying UFO design aircraft in the 40's and 50's. They had as many as 35 saucer projects with vertical lift off and descent. The most highly classified was known by code name Silverbug.
Near the end of WWII the allied forces had gained superiorty over the Germans. Or so it seemed. The Germans were looking for a superior craft. The SSE and Vril societies were building craft that looked like UFO's and were capable of vertical take-off's and landings because most of their runways had been destroyed.
The project was headed by Dr. Richard Mehta, sometimes known as the 'Father of Saucerology'. He was hired by the German air force to build a saucer shaped craft that could vertically ascend and shoot down allied planes with rockets. Allegedly the war ended before Metha developed his ship.
The American government recruited some of the German scientists after the war to go to Canada and continue their work. Dr. Metha was one of these men. He work on a secret aircraft project at AVROW Aeronautics in Canada. These were saucer type flying machines.
These saucers were designed to 2300 miles per hour at an altitude of 80,000 feet. Though designed in 1955 the papers describing these design were not declassified until 1995. For over 40 year America's #1 top flying saucer project was top secret.
In the 1950's in Canada Avro revealed the Avrocar to the public.
In 1953 the Toronto Star reported on the development by Avro Canada of a disc-shaped VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) aircraft.
In February it was officially announced that a mock-up of the craft, designed by British engineer John Frost and developed by the Malton, Ontario plant, had been made - and indeed, photographs exist of technicians smiling from its twin cockpits.
The project of which the Avro-car was a part was originally known as Project Y, funded by Canada, but was taken over by the U.S. Air Force in late 1953 - early 1954, as their Project 606, with an interest by the US Army.
It was hoped that the vehicle, designated VZ-9V, would ascend vertically and reach flight speeds of 1,500 mph (2,400 km/hr). The President of Avro Canada wrote in Aero News that the prototype being built was so revolutionary that it would make other designs obsolete.
The craft was officially named the Avro-Car.By 1960 about 10 million dollars had been spent on the project. During tests, the aircraft could not rise more than four or five feet above the ground without becoming very unstable.
Attempts were made to design mechanisms to increase its stability without success. It was hoped that the project would consolidate the future of the A.V. Roe company, but it was discontinued in 1961, and A.V. Roe went out of business.
The prototype was placed in a military museum at Fort Eustis, Virginia. One view was that the failed project was simply window-dressing to cover tests of a captured alien flying disc.
The Avro-Car was (depending on the source of the information) 18 or 25 feet in diameter, and weighed 3600 lb.
It was powered by three centrally mounted gas turbine engines driving a 5 feet diam. central fan used for vertical takeoff. Once in the air the turbo-jet exhaust would be shifted to the rear giving the vehicle forward thrust to allow the aerodynamic body to generate lift.
Sixty years later, we have other VTOL aircraft, including circular drones with a central propeller, undoubtedly mistaken for extraterrestrial aircraft on the occasion, but we still do not have a decent supersonic flying saucer of terrestrial origin.--------------------------
Lalu bagaimana dengan kartu yang ini??

Apakah mereka akan menghancurkan big ben, seperti pada gambar di kartu tersebut??

Kartu2 yg lainnya... tafsirkan sendiri..

Gak percaya kartu ini pernah ada? Kartu ini Hoax?
Nih di Wikipedia ada sumbernya:
Video di youtube:
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